by Christine Kikisch
Christine Kikisch

Christine Kikisch
Masters in Business Studies
Certificate in Holistic Nutritional Therapy
(examined under supervision of G.P.)
I am a trained holistic nutritional therapist and founder of Munich-based nutritional therapy business, Ernährung MUC. Prior to pursuing my dream of being a professional nutritional therapist, I worked for many years as a freelance PR consultant in Hamburg and Munich.
For as long as I can remember, I‘ve had a keen interest in discovering delicious foods also that keep us healthy, fit and slim. I firmly believe that eating well and enjoying food can go hand-in-hand with doing something good for our health.
There‘s absolutely no reason why all three elements shouldn‘t work in harmony.
Human beings are so much more than energy consuming machines; we also have a soul. And what‘s good for the soul is also good for your health.
I want to help others get the best from the food they eat by sharing my experience and ever-growing expertise in the area of food and nutrition.
Call +49 179 39 96 358 for one-to-one nutritional therapy in Munich or further information. For those not based in Munich, I also offer nutritional advice on the phone in both English and German.
Healthy Eating
Our health is the most precious thing we have, and what we eat has a huge impact on both keeping us healthly and helping us recover from illnesses. Our organism converts food into the tiny building blocks that maintain good health and boost energy.
I truly believe that a healthy diet gives us the energy and vitality we need to live life to the full. Even tiny dietary changes can bring about big results. These changes need to be right for you, your body, and lifestyle, however.
There is regular talk of new trends and research in the field of nutritional science, which can be exciting but also confusing.
Not all of these new trends are for everybody, and just because something is popular it doesn‘t mean it‘s right for you.
Food and dietary habits are personal to each and every one of us, and it‘s best not to get lost in the hype. I aim to help my clients find the best solutions that match their nutritional needs.
In our sessions, we won‘t ever just focus on a single nutritional concept as being ‘the best‘, as no one concept is the best.
Instead, I look at the personality, preferences and lifestyle of each individual client to put them on the best nutritional path to achieve their goals. My nutritional therapy sessions aim to help clients achieve a balanced physical state where metabolism and hormones function properly.
At the same time, dietary changes need to fit with your daily life and be enjoyable. Because while eating well is very important, there’s more to life than food.
»A person who does not enjoy life’s pleasures, becomes rather unenjoyable«
Friedrich Schiller
Nutritional Therapy
I offer one-to-one, holistic nutrional therapy adapted to your needs, lifestyle and current physical condition. First of all, we examine your physical make-up and health. Then, we‘ll set realistic goals and put a plan in place for achieving these goals. Finally, I provide ongoing support to help you reach your goals.
Call me on +49 179 39 96 358 for more information. Ernährung MUC by Christine Kikisch.
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Are you interested in one-to-one nutritional therapy?
For further information call +49 179 39 358, Ernährung MUC by Christine Kikisch, nutritional therapist in Munich.
Are you interested in one-to-one nutritional therapy?
For further information call +49 179 39 358, Ernährung MUC by Christine Kikisch, nutritional therapist in Munich.
Are you interested in one-to-one nutritional therapy?
For further information contact me via contact form or call +49 179 39 358, Ernährung MUC by Christine Kikisch, nutritional therapist in Munich
by Christine Kikisch
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